Hotfix 3.6 #12

Hey soldiers, today we bring you another hotfix with bug fixes and lots of news!

Check the news and changes!

Personal Deposit 

Now you can store all your items without worry, with the new 99-slot backpack you can store more than 1000 items without worrying about space or deleting your achievements!

Mute function for mods

Now players can be mutated in the chat if they insult each other or break any rules of conduct, such as using name calling or being disrespectful.

Nerfed Hairs

The rose legion and energetic legion hairs have their attributes reduced to 6 in all stats, so that players do not use only one type of hair.

Tournament prize

The elite tournament prize is now automatically sent to the winner's mail, remembering that the tournament is still in the testing phase!

Float bug

The problem of floating on some maps has been fixed, now the battles will take place normally!

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