Bug Hunt Event

 Bug Hunt Event!

Prize: 300 COINS for each bug reported!

Our team is working to solve all the problems found in the game, for that we want your help to know ALL the bugs present in DDTank New Era, make your report to help us and receive coins for it! 

Event Duration: 10/06/2022 - 10/13/2022


- You just have to explain how the bug works. 

- Send a screenshot or video of the bug will give you a COIN BONUS

- Our team will validate the answer, the bugs must be true and be happening on a recurring basis in order to be approved. 

- You can talk to any member of our team to explain the reported bug, this can help your report to be approved. 

- The prize will be sent the next day after the end date of the event. 

Send your report here: https://forms.gle/EQ1J5ymeoZhPNdPY9