Hotfix 3.6.3 #8

Hello brave soldiers! One more maintenance was successfully completed on our servers, we made several important fixes and we will have new fixes coming later this week, stay tuned to know the other changes.

All of these listed issues have been reported in our Facebook page and Discord group, It's very important for us receive reports and suggestions from players, so keep reporting!

See the list of everything that has changed in this hotfix!

  • Organize Button

The issue where the "Organize" Backpack button didn't work has been fixed, now you can use the function to automatically gather and organize your items.

  • Friend List

Now the friends list is updated instantly, you can see if your friends are online or not in real time.

  • Wings/ Bubbles

The bug where some wings or bubbles didn't work in the game has been fixed, now everyone can use the wings and bubbles normally.

  • Blank Cards

The issue where some cards appeared empty in boatyards (Mainly on server 7) has been fixed, now all cards contain prizes.

  • Blossom skill

The Green Bud pet skill "Blossom Skill" has been fixed and will now no longer send the yellow message in game chat.

  • Warning message (Purple Message)

The message (Buying items or coins by real money outside of the game is not allowed...)has been removed from the game chat, now we will have new messages that are smaller and less polluting the chat.

Those were the changes and fixes made in this maintenance, thanks and have a good game!

If you have any questions or problems, click here to contact us.

To join on our Discord group, click here.

Join our, Telegram channel.

Best regards,

Team 7TEEN