Hotfix 3.6.3 #1

Hey everyone! We are proud to announce another major update to fix one of the biggest server problems since our launch and other things.

Battles update

Our team has been working for months to fix the issue where players teleported or flew across the map during LF and FF battles, now with this new update, the problem is fully fixed and the battles take place without any problems.

We appreciate your patience and support as we worked to fix this problem, if you experience any problems related to battles, we will be happy to receive your report!

Pet stats

Fixed the issue where when a Pet evolved in level and changed the form the stats were reduced and it became weaker, now all pets will continue to have only added stats, not reduction.

Spa counter

The problem where the spa time counter did not work has been fixed, now the time is counted normally and tasks can be completed without any issues.

World Boss time set

The Ancient Dragon's appearance time has been changed again to 5:00 am until 6:00 am (NY Time), remember that the event is only available during that time and that if the dragon's life ends, the event is closed before time is up.

New tournament prizes

The tournament drops were changed on server 4 to items that more closely match the strength level of the server, now players can receive prizes that will help reach a new level of power, in the coming weeks we will have the prizes changed also on servers 1 -3 and 5,


- Some weapons that did not changed to the +12 and Gold shape were fixed.

- Problem where Lucky Wheel showed the bonus as 0.0 fixed.

- New items available to be added to tasks and events.

If you have any questions or problems, click here to contact us.

To join on our Discord group, click here.

Best regards,

Team 7TEEN