Fashion Weekend II

 Hi Soldiers! Dressing and styling your character is one of the best features of DDTank, use your creativity and create the best style that suits the theme!

Event Mechanics

> Players can design their characters in the shop (without buying the items, just the preview.) 

> Players can choose what items to hide ( hat, glasses, suit, wings )

> All items must be from the shop, no special items from recharge, seasonal and refine.

> Screenshot the character as it is, there is no need for editing it outside the game.

> The team will choose 3 final candidates

> The images will be posted in our telegram group, then there will be a poll where other players will decide which design is the best.


Event Duration

> December 12, 2020 - December 14, 2020

Event Reward

> The player can either choose if: a) He receive the clothes that he designed (bound), b) 1,000 coins