Download Center
Due to the end of Flash support in 2020, most mainstream browsers no longer support DDTank, to continue playing without any problems, we recommend using browsers that still have flash support. If there is still a problem with the flash, Flash Center write what.
Or if you want Flash download and install it manually by clicking here.

If you wish, there is another browser option with integrated flash, Cent Browser, you can download.
If your browser or recorder does not run Flash, press Flash Center You will need to download.
Caution: Flash only works in the browsers listed above or our Official Launcher. If you're still having problems, use the following tool to fix it:
Download Flash Center and Click here to fix all Flash problems on your computer! Windows Update may have removed your flash, so use our helpful tools above!
Or if you prefer, download Flash and install it manually by clicking here.

DDTank New Era 2023 - Quality and fun together!